Vol. 94
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A Varactor-Tuned Aperture Coupled Dual Band Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for C-Band Application
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 94, 261-272, 2019
A novel technique for designing a dual-band reconfigurable aperture coupled cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna is introduced here. The design is based on loading an aperture coupled cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna with a varactor diode located along the lines of the feed network. Loading the antenna with the varactor shifts the first and second resonant frequencies of the antenna. The resonant frequency can be continuously shifted from 4.75 GHz to 4.96 GHz in the lower band, and the resonant frequency of the higher band is shifted from 6.31 GHz to 6.40 GHz as the varactor diode bias voltage is increased from 1 V to 5 V. The proposed antenna offers a stable broadside radiation pattern at both bands and across the entire tunable frequency range for different bias voltages. The parametric analysis on the slot position is done to control the first and second resonant frequencies of the dual-band antenna. The proposed antenna plays a vital role in C-band (4 GHz-8 GHz) applications.
Arunodayam Anu, Parambil Abdulla, Puthenveetil Muhammed Jasmine, and Thulaseedharan Rekha, "A Varactor-Tuned Aperture Coupled Dual Band Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for C-Band Application," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 94, 261-272, 2019.

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18., Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS), version 15, Ansoft Corporation, Pittsburgh, U.S.A..