Vol. 108
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Fully Metallic Dual-Band 3-d Wire Antenna for Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 108, 147-158, 2021
A segmented three-dimensional wire monopole antenna is proposed and optimized to operate in both the Wi-Fi and Wi-Max frequency bands (2.4-2.48 and 3.3-3.7 GHz). The fabrication of the antenna employs both three dimension printing and foundry techniques. The design occupies a total volume of 33.8 mm × 30.4 mm × 37.4 mm, which is equivalent to 0.28λ0 × 0.25λ0 × 0.30λ0, where λ0 is the central wavelength of the lower band. The measurements agree with the simulations and show that the antenna has a -10 dB impedance bandwidth of 7.53% (2.36 to 2.55 GHz) and 53.87% (2.78 to 4.43 GHz) and a measured -3 dB axial ratio bandwidth of 19.06% (3.18 to 3.85 GHz) for the second band. For the first band, simulations indicate that the polarization is elliptical. The radiation pattern is a near hemispherical coverage toward the upper hemisphere. The measured maximum gain values are 5.6 and 7.3 dB for the lower and upper bands, respectively. The simulated radiation efficiency is higher than 98%.
Fateh Benmahmoud, Pierre Lemaitre-Auger, and Smail Tedjini, "Fully Metallic Dual-Band 3-d Wire Antenna for Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 108, 147-158, 2021.

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