Vol. 32
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Surface Electromagnetic Waves in Finite Semiconductor-Dielectric Periodic Structure in an External Magnetic Field
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 32, 229-244, 2013
The specific features of TM-polarized surface electromagnetic waves in a finite structure fabricated by a periodic alternating semiconductor and dielectric layers are investigated. Dispersion characteristics of eigenwaves are analyzed numerically and analytically. The complex Poynting energy flux and the surface wave's distribution are calculated. The influence of geometrical and physical parameters of the structure on the properties of surface waves is studied.
Vladislava V. Baibak, Illia V. Fedorin, and Aleksey A. Bulgakov, "Surface Electromagnetic Waves in Finite Semiconductor-Dielectric Periodic Structure in an External Magnetic Field," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 32, 229-244, 2013.

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