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Open Resonator Technique of Non-Planar Dielectric Objects at Millimeter Wavelengths
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 9, 185-197, 2009
This paper provides a reliable dielectric measurement theory of the open resonator for non-planar objects such as convex-concave objects. It is the first time that the complete analytical formulas of the complex permittivity are presented by means of the second-order theory of the open resonator and field matching method. Furthermore, a measurement system is designed and built at Ka band, and the consistency of the results between planar and non-planar samples verifies the accuracy of the new theory. Finally, the experimental error analysis is investigated.
Yong Feng Gui, Wen-Bin Dou, and Kai Yin, "Open Resonator Technique of Non-Planar Dielectric Objects at Millimeter Wavelengths," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 9, 185-197, 2009.

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