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Cancellation of Complicated Drfm Range False Targets via Temporal Pulse Diversity
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 16, 69-84, 2010
In this paper, a jamming cancelation approach based on the concept of pulse diversity is proposed to suppress some newer complicated digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) range false targets (RFT). Just repeating the intercepted radar electromagnetic signal, as done in the conventional re-transmitting jammer, is not effective because only one range false target is produced. In contrast, the newer DRFM-based RFT generation methods, especially chopping and interleaving (C&I) and smeared spectrum (SMSP) can yield a multi-lobe filter output by transforming the internal structure of the intercepted radar signal. The presented approach to overcome this challenge is based on the temporal pulse diversity technique, and it does not require parameter estimation of the jamming signal. By transmitting pulses with specific transmission pulse block and the following proper processing, it can cancel out the protruding spikes of the jammer at the price of an acceptable performance loss. Particularly, this method is applicable to broad DRFM repeat jammer in electronic warfare (EW) area.
Gang Lu, Shengnan Liao, Shuangcai Luo, and Bin Tang, "Cancellation of Complicated Drfm Range False Targets via Temporal Pulse Diversity," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 16, 69-84, 2010.

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