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Rotational Micro-Motion Modulated Jamming for Countering ISAR Based on Intermittent Sampling Repeater
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 36, 41-56, 2013
The intermittent sampling repeater jamming (ISRJ) can only produce fake point scatterers in the down-range, while the time-varying frequency induced by rotational micro-motion dynamics blurs the image in the cross-range. This paper focuses on the combination of the above two methods to counter the inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR). Based on the signal models of coherent ISAR signal processing, principles of the jamming are derived. The key jamming parameters and the selection criteria are determined by two steps. Finally, the validity of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated using the numeric simulations and simulations based on the measured data.
Xiaoyi Pan, Wei Wang, De-Jun Feng, Jing Huang, Qixiang Fu, and Guoyu Wang, "Rotational Micro-Motion Modulated Jamming for Countering ISAR Based on Intermittent Sampling Repeater," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 36, 41-56, 2013.

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