Vol. 35
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Human Body Effects on Inkjet-Printed Flexible RF Interconnections
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 35, 83-94, 2013
The effect of human body on inkjet-printed flexible single-layer transmission lines in immediate proximity of body is investigated by simulations and measurements up to 9 GHz. A multliine extraction method is used to obtain effective material parameters allowing detailed analysis of body effects. Already at 1 mm distance from the body, the line properties converge toward the free-space values. However, at smaller distances and in direct contact with the body, often required in biosensor applications, there is a significant change in characteristic impedance and increase in losses. The results of the paper can be used to evaluate the body effects at different frequencies and at different small distances from the body.
Shahed Alam, Hannu P. Sillanpaa, and Riku M. Makinen, "Human Body Effects on Inkjet-Printed Flexible RF Interconnections," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 35, 83-94, 2013.

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