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A Compact Coplanar Waveguide (CPW)-Fed Dual-Frequency Antenna with Single-Cell Metamaterial Loading
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 38, 55-65, 2013
A compact waveguide(CPW)-fed dual-frequency planar monopole antenna is proposed, which can excite two modes.The antenna is composed of a epsilon negative (ENG) meta-structured transmission line (MTL) unit cell and a monopole. The first resonance is zeroth-order mode,which is described using dispersion relation of ENG MTL based on Bloch and Floquet and designed on a CPW single layer where vias are not required. And the second is electromagnetically coupled monopolar mode. The zeroth-order resonant phenomenon is employed to reduce the antenna size. To design and analyze the proposed antenna, the circuit simulation of the ENG MTL unit resonator is executed by the equivalent circuit, and the results are compared with those of full wave simulation and experiment. The results show that the presented antenna reasonable radiation characteristics of bandwidth gain and size, verified by a commercial EM simulation software HFSS11, and is suitable for compact dual-frequency antenna. Then the antenna is fabricated and measured. The realized antenna has a compact size of 0.288λ0 x 0.199λ0 x 0.011λ0(25.1mm x 17.4 mm x 1 mm) at 2.43 GHz. Simulated and experimentally measured results show that the proposed antenna can operate at 2.41(2.43) GHz and 4.11(4.14) GHz bands, respectively. Good agreement between the simulated and measured results is obtained.
Long Zheng, Guangming Wang, Lin Geng, and Yajun Hu, "A Compact Coplanar Waveguide (CPW)-Fed Dual-Frequency Antenna with Single-Cell Metamaterial Loading," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 38, 55-65, 2013.

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