Vol. 31
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Analysis and Modeling of Power MOSFET Radiation
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 31, 247-262, 2013
This paper deals with the modeling the radiation of the power electronics component: the MOSFET. First, the magnetic near field measurements are made to characterize the radiation of the component. The MOSFET under test is referenced by IRF640 used in DC-DC converter. Second, we have applied the electromagnetic inverse method based on the measured field at 20 MHz to create a model of radiation sources of the MOSFET. The obtained results show a good agreement between the magnetic near field cartography obtained by the developed model and those measured. Finally, the developed model was used to predict the magnetic field in another distance and it wasvalidated with measured cartography.
Sofiene Saidi, and Jaleleddine Ben Hadj Slama, "Analysis and Modeling of Power MOSFET Radiation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 31, 247-262, 2013.

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11. Saidi, S. and J. Ben Hadj Slama, "Improving convergence time of the electromagnetic inverse method based on genetic algorithm using the PZMI and neural network," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 51, 389-406, 2013.

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