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Candidate for Tissue Mimicking Material Made of an Epoxy Matrix Loaded with Alginate Microspheres
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 41, 227-238, 2013
We present a new composite material containing calcium alginate microspheres incorporated into an epoxy matrix. The new material is mechanically stable and does not degrade over time. Its di-electric properties are extracted by model calculations and compared to the properties of some selected human tissues. Good agreement is observed, which identi es the proposed composite material as a good candidate for the use as a phantom material. The presented material is a two component composite and it is shown how its effective properties can be predicted by using appropriate mixing formulas.
Irena Zivkovic, Redouan Mahou, Klaus Scheffler, and Christine Wandrey, "Candidate for Tissue Mimicking Material Made of an Epoxy Matrix Loaded with Alginate Microspheres," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 41, 227-238, 2013.

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