Vol. 64
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Filtered Power Splitter Using Microstrip Square Open Loop Resonators
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 64, 133-140, 2016
A microstrip power splitter with band-pass responses is presented in this paper. The design is based on square open loop resonator topology. This filtered power splitter does not require quarter wavelength transformers and will result in a smaller size than a conventional Wilkinson power divider with integrated band-pass filter. It is a two-way equal power splitter with fifth order band-pass filter characteristics. The power splitter is designed to have Chebyshev band-pass response function. A theoretical analytical circuit model will be presented. From the theoretical model, a microstrip filtered power splitter will be designed and simulated. The proposed filtered power splitter is small in size and reduces circuit complexity. The power splitter is simulated and measured, and the results are presented.
Amadu Dainkeh, Augustine O. Nwajana, and Kenneth Siok Kiam Yeo, "Filtered Power Splitter Using Microstrip Square Open Loop Resonators," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 64, 133-140, 2016.

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