Vol. 52
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Exposure Level Assessment Study of High Frequency Radiation from Hebron Two-Way Radio Tower
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 52, 153-160, 2016
A study of the Hebron two-way radio tower in Halhul, which is part of the two-way radio network that links Bethlehem tower in the West Bank to Khan Younes tower in Gaza strip, was conducted. Hebron Tower was built over the highest spot in the region, 1027 m above the sea level. Measurements of signal power was conducted for Hebron tower and compared to various other transmitting towers seen from the area. Analysis reveals that power densities of all towers are invariably safe, and their power densities fall below international safe standards. Results show that power densities from Orange cellular tower, 3500 m away and Marah radio tower, 2350 m away from Hebron tower were indeed higher than all others measured, when all power densities were referenced back to 30 m of their respective tower antenna positions. As far as the Hebron tower is concerned, its height of 111m provides a relative safe umbrella, from electromagnetic radiation hazard, away from the main radiation beam, over the area below it.
Osama W. Ata, "Exposure Level Assessment Study of High Frequency Radiation from Hebron Two-Way Radio Tower," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 52, 153-160, 2016.

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