Vol. 74
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Compact Microstrip Lowpass Filter with an Ultra-Wide Stopband and Sharp Transition Band Using T-Shaped and Polygon Resonators
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 74, 51-61, 2017
In this paper, a lowpass filter with -3 dB cutoff frequency of 5.3 GHz using T-shaped and polygon resonators is presented. The applied resonators create a sharp transition band of 0.2 GHz from -3 dB to -40 dB. To obtain an ultra-wide stopband about 54 GHz (10.18fc) with a suppressing level of -21 dB, two different suppressing cells are employed. The overall circuit size is 59.16 mm2, which indicates a small occupied area. To clarify the performance of each resonator and describe the location of the transition zeros, exact equations based on the equivalent LC circuits have been calculated.
Arash Abdipour, and Ashkan Abdipour, "Compact Microstrip Lowpass Filter with an Ultra-Wide Stopband and Sharp Transition Band Using T-Shaped and Polygon Resonators," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 74, 51-61, 2017.

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