Vol. 76
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Dual-Polarized Multi-Band Infrared Energy Harvesting Using h -Shaped Metasurface Absorber
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 76, 1-10, 2017
We present the design of an infrared metasurface harvester based on the full absorption concept. The metasurface unit cells consist of an H-shaped resonator with the load placed across the gap of the resonator. Different from infrared metamaterial absorber designs, the resonator is capable of not only full absorption but also maximum energy channeling across the load resistance. Numerical simulation demonstrates that 96% of the absorbed energy is dissipated across the load resistance. In addition, cross-polarized H-resonators design is presented, which is capable of harvesting infrared energy using dual polarizations within three frequency bands.
Thamer Almoneef, and Omar M. Ramahi, "Dual-Polarized Multi-Band Infrared Energy Harvesting Using h -Shaped Metasurface Absorber," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 76, 1-10, 2017.

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