Vol. 80
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A Novel Architecture of Millimeter-Wave Full-Duplex Radio-Over -Fiber System with Source-Free Bs Based on Polarization Division Multiplexing and Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 80, 103-110, 2018
In this paper, we propose a novel architecture of full-duplex millimeter-wave radio-over-fiber (RoF) system based on polarization division multiplexing (PDM) and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology. In our scheme, the light waves for downlink and uplink transmission are provided by the same laser, which realize the source-free base station (BS) and multi-services transfer for next generation wireless access network. Since the uplink optical carrier is Y-polarized light wave which does not bear the downlink signal, no cross-talk from the downlink contaminates the uplink signal. At the BS, it is detected by a high-speed photoelectric diode (PD) to generate a 15 GHz intermediate frequency (IF) and a 63 GHz radio frequency (RF) signal. This reduces the system complexity and cost. The simulation with 2.5 Gbps NRZ signal transmission exhibits good performance both at 15 GHz (Ku-band) and 63 GHz (V-band).
Baofeng Chen, Yating Wu, Mengxin Han, and Qianwu Zhang, "A Novel Architecture of Millimeter-Wave Full-Duplex Radio-Over -Fiber System with Source-Free Bs Based on Polarization Division Multiplexing and Wavelength Division Multiplexing," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 80, 103-110, 2018.

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