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W-Band Single-Pole Four-Throw Switch for Multichannel High Power Transceiver Chipset Design
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 81, 107-116, 2019
In this paper, a W-band single-pole four-throw (SP4T) switch for multichannel high power transceiver chipset design is proposed based on a standard commercial 100 nm GaAs power pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (pHEMT) technology. The process used in this work is optimized for use in power amplifier (PA) design, resulting in larger drain electrode capacitance. In order to reduce the effect of large drain capacitance for switch design, a proper series capacitor is adopted. This capacitor can not only reduce the parasitic capacitance of the turn-off state transistor but also resonate with the parasitic inductance of the turn-on state transistor to improve the isolation. As known, the short stub is adopted to compensate the remaining parasitic capacitance. For verification, a prototype is fabricated and measured. The measured results are in good agreement with the simulated ones, and it shows that the fabricated SP4T switch achieves a bandwidth of 75 GHz-96 GHz, with an insertion loss and isolation about 4.8 dB and 28 dB, respectively. The fabricated switch also realizes a Pin1 dB about 22 dBm.
Linpu Li, Rong Qian, and Xiao-Wei Sun, "W-Band Single-Pole Four-Throw Switch for Multichannel High Power Transceiver Chipset Design," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 81, 107-116, 2019.

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