Vol. 97
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Integrated Antenna Technique for Cancelling the Self-Interference Signal in Full-Duplex Communication
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 97, 43-55, 2019
In this paper, a novel passive antenna cancellation technique for a full-duplex system is presented. This includes three patch antennas with a developed coupler that are constructed and integrated with the feed network to reduce the self-interference signal without the need for other components, thus achieving a complete antenna cancellation method. Computer Simulation Technology (CST) microwave studio is utilized to simulate the design model. A prototype was fabricated and tested practically to validate the proposed design. The computed results are compared with measurements. The proposed technique provides up to 68 dB cancellation at the operating frequency 2.45 GHz, and this decreases to 40 dB at 70 MHz bandwidth, and to 36 dB at 100 MHz bandwidth.
Ahmed Abdulbary Jasim, Khalil Sayidmarie, Raed A. Abd-Alhameed, and Ammar Ali, "Integrated Antenna Technique for Cancelling the Self-Interference Signal in Full-Duplex Communication," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 97, 43-55, 2019.

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