Vol. 94
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Analysis of Interference Between Vast Numbers of Automotive Radars Considering Stochastic Temporal Conditions
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 94, 131-142, 2020
With a constantly increasing number of cars equipped with 77 GHz automotive radar, the performance degrading effects of crosstalk are becoming a rising threat to radar-enabled automated driving functions. Since interference is sensitive to slight changes of temporal and spatial conditions of the scenario, meaningful measurements are hard to conduct which is why simulations are an important supplement. In this paper, a simulation model is introduced that estimates the distribution of the reduction of the detection range of automotive radars due to multiple interferers focusing on stochastic temporal conditions. The underlying system model calculates the direction- and timing-dependent influence of one single interferer on the detection range of the host radar. The model is kept simple, making it suitable for Monte Carlo methods, which allow the indispensable statistical evaluation of the broadly spread results. Finally, a method is presented that transfers multiple statistics regarding single interferers into a single environment. The computing time of the simulation grows linearly with the number of interfering radars, so the effects of vast numbers of interferers can be studied using this simulation model. Statistical evaluations of the detection performance degradation of a front-mounted radar in sample highway scenarios, containing up to ten interfering radar sensors, are performed in this paper.
Konstantin Hahmann, Stefan Schneider, and Thomas Zwick, "Analysis of Interference Between Vast Numbers of Automotive Radars Considering Stochastic Temporal Conditions," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 94, 131-142, 2020.

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