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Design and Simulation of an Antenna for Noninvasive Temperature Detection Using Microwave Radiometry
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 111, 109-118, 2021
A non-invasive thermometry approach for monitoring core (internal) tissue temperature using microwave radiometry is presented. We detail the design and analyses of a microwave antenna capable of detecting core temperature at depth. Performance of the radiometer with a printed dipole antenna is evaluated at frequency of 1.4 GHz in a multilayer 3D computational structure consisting of skin, fat, and muscle. To study this approach, a human tissue model was constructed with skin, fat, and deep muscle tissues having electrical properties at working frequency of 1.4 GHz. One of the main challenges is the Radio Frequency (RF) interface; hence, frequency selection will be important. Moreover, the antenna must be designed for characteristics in close proximity of biological medium in the selected frequency band. The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) and volume loss density have been used to determine the amount of absorbed power in each tissue layer and thus emitted power from each tissue layer. This approach has been designed to detect thermal emissions radiated from tissue up to 23 mm deep. We present the numerical analysis of 3D tissue-layer power emission and temperature sensing by a microwave radiometric antenna from a single frequency band of 1.4 GHz. Computed results show that this method senses the internal temperature in each tissue layer.
Kamya Yekeh Yazdandoost, "Design and Simulation of an Antenna for Noninvasive Temperature Detection Using Microwave Radiometry," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 111, 109-118, 2021.

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