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A Wideband Circular Patch Antenna with Pattern Diversity and Reduced Sidelobes
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 105, 131-140, 2021
A wideband circular patch antenna with broadside and conical radiation patterns is proposed. In addition to realizing a wide shared impedance bandwidth of ~48% for both the modes of operation, the unparalleled advantage of the proposed antenna is its reduced sidelobes in the E-plane broadside radiation patterns. The achieved sidelobe-free bandwidth is in the order of 39%, which is much wider than the pertinent art works on wideband pattern diversity antennas using a single radiating patch. The antenna characteristics are validated by fabricating and testing the designed prototype. The proposed antenna is also numerically investigated in front of a parabolic reflector antenna for monopulse radar applications.
Sai Radavaram, and Maria Pour, "A Wideband Circular Patch Antenna with Pattern Diversity and Reduced Sidelobes," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 105, 131-140, 2021.

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