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Performance Analysis of a Rain Fading Predicted Model in Tropical Areas for 5G Communication
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 110, 49-59, 2022
The basic climatic characteristic of the tropical areas is abundant precipitation throughout the year. For such precipitation the radio signal (RF) power of these areas gets diminished in communicating any signaling information from a sender to a receiver i.e. rain fading occurs in these areas. Rain fading is one of the major causes which decline the characteristics of radio system in tropical areas. To reduce excessive rain fading various fade reduction techniques such as diversification techniques, adaptive power control technique and adaptive waveform technique have been used. Frequency diversification technique is an effective technique for diminishing rain fading. In this work in order to diminish rain fading a suggested model has been implemented. Frequency diversification improvement factor is accepted to heighten the performance of this suggested model. Besides, by adopting an experimental data sheet a comparison of this suggested model with a number of various existing rain attenuation predicted models has been depicted for validation of the suggested model. The experiment was performed by accepting two mm-Wave connectors acting on two frequencies of 26 GHz and 38 GHz, respectively, for observing which model renders better result in the tropical region with respect of various distances, frequencies, and elevation angles.
Trilochan Patra, and Swarup Kumar Mitra, "Performance Analysis of a Rain Fading Predicted Model in Tropical Areas for 5G Communication," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 110, 49-59, 2022.

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