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Design of the Outer-Rotor Coreless Bearingless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based on an Improved MOPSO Algorithm
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 110, 11-24, 2022
The study of outer-rotor coreless bearingless permanent magnet synchronous generator (ORC-BPMSG) is intended to pave the way for the future of high-speed flywheel energy storage systems. A multi-objective parameter optimization method is proposed for the outer-rotor coreless bearingless permanent magnet synchronous generator with the aim of improving the fundamental wave content of the generator's output voltage, reducing harmonics and optimizing the suspension force at the same time. Firstly, the basic parameters and operating principle of the generator are described. Then, the response surface (RS) method is used to obtain the objective functions for the total harmonics distortion (THD), the mean value of the suspension force and the suspension force pulsation. The optimal optimizations of the ORC-BPMSG are selected by establishing the pareto solution set through the improved multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm. Finally, the optimal ORC-BPMSG prototype is fabricated, and the performance of the prototype is verified. The experiments show that the optimized generator output voltage has fewer harmonics and operates reliably.
Junqi Huan, and Huangqiu Zhu, "Design of the Outer-Rotor Coreless Bearingless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based on an Improved MOPSO Algorithm," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 110, 11-24, 2022.

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