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Compressed T-Matrix Algorithm for Scalar and Electromagnetic Scattering from Multiple Objects and Multiple Incident Directions
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 110, 61-72, 2022
A compression algorithm for the T-matrix scattering solution from multiple objects and incident fields is derived and examined which we call the Compressed T-Matrix Algorithm (CTMA). The CTMA is derived by applying the SVD and Woodbury matrix-inverse identity to compress the original T-matrix system of equations and simultaneously compress the matrix of right-hand side incident field vectors. This is suited for scattering problems with many incident directions. We quantify the compression rates for different collections of dielectric spheres and draw comparisons to the Characteristic Basis Function Method (CBFM) with which the CTMA shares many structural similarities.
Mark S. Haynes, and Ines Fenni, "Compressed T-Matrix Algorithm for Scalar and Electromagnetic Scattering from Multiple Objects and Multiple Incident Directions," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 110, 61-72, 2022.

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