Vol. 113
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Frequency Switchable and Tunable Negative Group Delay Circuits Based on Defected Microstrip Structures
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 113, 23-33, 2022
Group delay distortions are critical for high quality transmissions in today's communication system. In this paper, we have proposed design and analysis of defected microstrip line-based Negative Group Delay Circuits (NGDCs) to compensate for group delay distortions. Initially, a tunable pulse shaped defection based NGD structure is designed wherein a variable resistor connection allows group delay tunability. The proposed design is able to generate a group delay (GD) tuning from 0 to -4.8 ns at 2.7 GHz as the resistance is varied from 1 kΩ to 1 MΩ. Further, we embedded two stubs to implement the switchable multi-band feature on the proposed NGDC design. The NGDCs are fabricated, and the measured results confirm the proposed concept. Lastly, we designed a tunable compact NGDC with inverted-U stubs inscribed inside a microstrip line. It generated GD tunability at different frequency bands with the aid of a variable resistor and switched the frequencies as required.
Chithra Liz Palson, Rema Kunhikrishnan Sreelal, Deepti Das Krishna, and Babita Roslind Jose, "Frequency Switchable and Tunable Negative Group Delay Circuits Based on Defected Microstrip Structures," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 113, 23-33, 2022.

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