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Optimization and Characterization of Negative Uniaxial Metamaterials
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 74, 111-121, 2017
Digital manufacturing, or 3D printing, is a rapidly emerging technology that enables novel designs that incorporate complex geometries and even multiple materials. In electromagnetics and circuits, 3D printing allows the dielectrics to take on new and profound functionality. This paper introduces negative uniaxial metamaterials (NUMs) which are birefringent structures that can be used to manipulate electromagnetic fields at a very small scale. The NUMs presented here are composed of alternating layers of two different dielectrics. The physics of the NUMs are explained and simple analytical equations for the effective dielectric tensor are derived. Using these equations, the NUMs are optimized for strength of anisotropy and for space stretching derived from transformation optics. The analytical equations are validated through rigorous simulations and by laboratory measurements. Three NUMs where manufactured using 3D printing where each exhibited anisotropy in a different orientation for measurement purposes. All of the data from the analytical equations, simulations, and experiments are in excellent agreement confirming that the physics of the NUMs is well understood and that NUMs can be designed quickly and easily using just the analytical equations.
Jose Avila, Cesar L. Valle, Edgar Bustamante, and Raymond C. Rumpf, "Optimization and Characterization of Negative Uniaxial Metamaterials," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 74, 111-121, 2017.

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