Vol. 40
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Closed-Form Pdf for Multiuser TR-UWB Systems Under Gaussian Noise and Impulsive Interference
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 40, 175-186, 2013
In most existing transmitted-reference ultra-wideband (TR-UWB) communication systems, receivers use the standard Gaussian approximation (SGA) for multiuser interference (MUI). It is an assumption used in most conventional multiuser systems, where the MUI tends to a Gaussian process by the central limit theorem, and convergence is relatively fast with respect to the number of users. However, for TR-UWB systems which are developed for short-range applications, we have a small number of active users. In this case, significant performance degradation is found in TR-UWB receivers due to the impreciseness of SGA. In this paper, we show that the Middleton class-A model is a more appropriate statistical model for MUI modeling in TR-UWB systems than the often used SGA. A closed-form expression for the probability density function (PDF) of the TR-UWB system under MUI, Gaussian noise and impulsive alpha-stable interference is developed. All these analytical results are confirmed by numerical simulations.
Djamel Abed, Salah Redadaa, and Smail Tedjini, "Closed-Form Pdf for Multiuser TR-UWB Systems Under Gaussian Noise and Impulsive Interference," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 40, 175-186, 2013.

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