Vol. 79
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A Comparison Between Carson's Formulae and a 2D FEM Approach for the Evaluation of ac Interference Caused by Overhead Power Lines on Buried Metallic Pipelines
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 79, 39-48, 2017
In this paper, the AC interference produced by an overhead power transmission line on a buried metallic pipeline is estimated using a circuital method based on the well-known Carson's formulae and a two-dimensional finite element numerical code. The finite element formulation used in this paper implicitly takes into account the mutual inductive coupling between all the considered conductors, and it allows a more detailed analysis in cases where a nonhomogeneous soil is present. The FEM approach includes a procedure which has been developed to enforce that the sum of the currents flowing through the soil, pipeline and eventual overhead ground wire is equal to zero. A case study has been identified, and the results obtained by the two approaches have been compared and discussed
Andrea Cristofolini, Arturo Popoli, and Leonardo Sandrolini, "A Comparison Between Carson's Formulae and a 2D FEM Approach for the Evaluation of ac Interference Caused by Overhead Power Lines on Buried Metallic Pipelines," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 79, 39-48, 2017.

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