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Reconstructing Constitutive Parameters of Inhomogeneous Planar Layered Chiral Media Based on the Optimization Approach
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 29, 29-39, 2013
This paper presents a frequency domain technique for reconstructing the constitutive parameters of inhomogeneous planar layered chiral media based on an optimization approach. The measured co- and cross-reflection and transmission coefficients are used to extract profiles of electromagnetic parameters of the inhomogeneous chiral media. To identify the functions of constitutive parameters of the chiral media, Fourier series expansions and Genetic Algorithm (GA) are utilized. Since the optimization problem is highly non-linear, enhanced GA in which a fuzzy system is used for improving the speed and accuracy of GA. The performance and feasibility of the proposed reconstruction method is proven using two typical examples.
Davoud Zarifi, Ali Farahbakhsh, Ali Abdolali, and Mohammad Soleimani, "Reconstructing Constitutive Parameters of Inhomogeneous Planar Layered Chiral Media Based on the Optimization Approach," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 29, 29-39, 2013.

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