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Electromagnetic Field Generated by a Horizontal Electric Dipole on a Double Negative Medium Half Space
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 6, 123-137, 2009
The electromagnetic field produced by a horizontal electric dipole over a double negative (DNG) medium half space is discussed, and the analytical expressions of the field which are convenient for calculation are derived. It can be concluded that the dipole on the configuration composed of the double positive (DPS) medium and the DNG medium half space can effectively excite the surface wave. The propagation wave number of the surface wave is less than that in both of the mediums, so that this kind of surface wave is a slow wave. Considered both the mediums are lossless, the amplitude of the surface wave decreases with the radial distance as ρ1/2. The total field shows complicated interference because of the superposition of three kinds of wave modes.
Xiuqin Zhu, Wei-Yan Pan, and Bo-Ran Guan, "Electromagnetic Field Generated by a Horizontal Electric Dipole on a Double Negative Medium Half Space," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 6, 123-137, 2009.

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