Vol. 11
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Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures Incorporate with Dual Band Microstrip Antenna Array
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 11, 111-122, 2010
A Dual band Microstrip Antenna Arrays (DbMSAA) incorporated with Mushroom Electromagnetic band Gap (MEBG) and modified Minkowski Electromagnetic Band Gap structures to further improve its radiation characteristics is reported in this work. The two different types of EBG structures work like a Band Rejecter (BR), separating the branch of feed line feeding two different groups of patch antenna arrays operating at 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz, thus making them operate individually at their particular frequencies, simultaneously. Initially, the possibilities of having a uniform and controlled radiation patterns are quite complicated to achieve due to the single port feeding technique used and developments of grating lobes at the higher band frequency, but, through the incorporation of the EBG structures, the problems could be solved immediately. The antenna's performance is improved where the grating lobes at 5.8 GHz are diminished, and the radiation patterns of the dual band antenna at both frequencies become more symmetrical with increased gain.
Thelaha Masri, Mohamad Kamal Abd Rahim, Osman Ayop, Farid Zubir, Noor Asmawati Binti Samsuri, and Huda Abdul Majid, "Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures Incorporate with Dual Band Microstrip Antenna Array," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 11, 111-122, 2010.

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2. Masri, T., M. K. A. Rahim, and M. N. A. Karim, "A novel 2D Minkowski gasket EBG structure for multiband microstrip antenna," European Conference on Antenna and Propagation (EuCAP 2007), Edinburgh, U.K., November 11-16, 2007.

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5. Yang, F. and Y. Rahmat-samii, "Microstrip antennas integrated with electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures: A low mutual coupling design for array applications," IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 10, 2936-2946, 2003.

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7. Du, Z. W., K. Gong, J. S. Fu, B. X. Gao, and Z. H. Feng, "A compact planar inverted-F antenna with a PBG-type ground plane for mobile communication," IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 52, No. 3, 483-489, 2003.

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10. Pirhadi, A., M. Hakak, and F. Keshmiri, "Using electromagnetic band gap superstrate to enhance the bandwidth of probefed microstrip antenna," Progress In Electromagnetic Research, Vol. 61, 215-230, 2006.

11. Shaban, H. F., H. A. Elmikatay, and A. A. Shaalan, "Study the effects of electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) substrate on two patches microstrip antenna," Progress In Electromagnetic Research B, Vol. 10, 55-74, 2008.

12. Zhang, L.-J., C.-H. Liang, L. Liang, and L. Chen, "A novel design approach for dual band electromagnetic band gap structure," Progress In Electromagnetic Research M, Vol. 4, 81-91, 2008.