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Vol. 130, 139-153, 2024
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Modeling and Analysis of Delay Doppler Maps for Spaceborne GNSS-R Signal Scattered from Sea Surface
Min Chen, Peng-Ju Yang and Rui Wu
The Global Navigation Satellite System Reflected (GNSS-R) Signal adopts a heterogeneous observation mode and utilizes the globally shared GNSS constellation as a multisource microwave signal transmission source, providing the opportunity signals for radar measurements. As a basis for GNSS-R bistatic remote sensing simulations, this paper analyzes wave spectrum model of sea surfaces, GNSS signal scattering model, and GNSS signal scattering power model. The modified Zavorotny and Voronovich (Z-V) model combined with two-scale method (TSM) for sea surface scattering is utilized to simulate delay Doppler map (DDM), with emphasis on the analysis of the effects of wave polarizations, delay Doppler interval, and sea states on DDM of GNSS signal scattered from sea surfaces. The correlated power model of GNSS scattering signal is validated by comparison with measured Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) DDM data in L1 level 2.1 version. The DDM waveforms obtained from Z-V model combined with TSM are basically consistent with the CYGNSS actual data, in which strong scattering spots can be observed clearly from both simulated and measured DDMs. The modeling and analysis of DDM for spaceborne GNSS-R signal from sea surface is of great value in ocean remote sensing applications, particularly for the interpolation and utilization of various spaceborne GNSS measured data.
Modeling and Analysis of Delay Doppler Maps for Spaceborne GNSS-R Signal Scattered from Sea Surface
Vol. 130, 129-137, 2024
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A Design Approach for High-Efficiency Hybrid Continuous Extended Inverse Class-F Broadband Power Amplifier Using Band-Pass Network Topology
Jingchang Nan, Jiadong Yu and Heyang Sun
A hybrid continuous extended-mode inverse class-F power amplifier is designed with band-pass filtered matching networks to match transistor inputs. This design methodology increases the impedance space by incorporating free factors into the current equation of the traditional inverse class-F power amplifier (PA). The suggested matching network in this article is a reliable alternative to the commonly used low-pass structured matching network, and this synthesis method simplifies the deployment of the distributed network compared to the LC low-pass network. High efficiency is guaranteed by the constructed output band-pass matching network. To verify the validity and superiority of this design method, a broadband power amplifier operating at 2.6-4.0 GHz was designed and fabricated. Largesignal measurement results indicate that the drain efficiency (DE) ranges from 60% to 81%, 40-42.3 dBm output power, and 10.5-11.5 dB power gain across this frequency range.
A Design Approach for High-efficiency Hybrid Continuous Extended Inverse Class-F Broadband Power Amplifier Using Band-pass Network Topology
Vol. 130, 121-128, 2024
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Development of Fractal 5G MIMO Antenna for Sub 6 GHz Wireless Automotive Applications
Ashish Kumar, Gurmeet Singh, Muhannad Kaml Abdulhameed, Sarah Rafil Hashim and Ahmed Jamal Abdullah Al-Gburi
Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) antennas have garnered significant attention for addressing the demands of high channel capacity, reliable and uninterrupted signal transmission, and high data rates, especially with recent advancements in 5G low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite communications. In addition to these features, automotive applications require antennas with minimal mutual coupling, high gain, multiple resonant frequencies, and compact size for user equipment. To meet these requirements, a 1×2 defected ground structure (DGS)-based fractal MIMO antenna array is proposed, covering various frequencies in the sub-6 GHz bands, including 0.7 GHz, 2.6 GHz, 3.1 GHz, and 3.5 GHz. The proposed antenna provides sufficient channel bandwidths and achieves a gain of 12.9 dBi in the n78 frequency band. The design has been fabricated, and the measured results show good agreement with the simulated ones. Moreover, the proposed antenna design can be integrated into the plastic parts of a car body, offering various automotive applications. It achieves a realistic data rate of approximately 10-12 Mbit/s, as verified through link budget calculations that consider the key parameters of LEO satellite systems.
Development of Fractal 5G MIMO Antenna for Sub 6 GHz Wireless Automotive Applications
Vol. 130, 111-120, 2024
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Magneto-Acousto-Electrical Tomography Method for Conductivity Reconstruction of Complex Structural Models
Xingchen Zhang, Di Fan, Yuanyuan Li, Huiling Liu, Jing Liu and Guo-Qiang Liu
Magneto-Acousto-Electrical Tomography (MAET), as one of the electrical characterization imaging methods, is used to image the electrical conductivity of biological tissues, which can be used for noninvasive, radiation-free imaging of biological tissues. Currently, most of the studies on MAET are simulations and experimental validations of simple structural models, and there is no sufficient validation of models with complex structures, and most of the results cannot comprehensively invert complex structural models with multi-gradient conductivity distributions. To address this problem, this paper proposes a MAET method for conductivity reconstruction of complex structural models which is applicable to 2D problems and may be extendable to 3D problems. Based on this method, the conductivity distribution of normal and diseased tissues in the simulation model of complex structures was reconstructed, and the consistency between experimental and simulated signals was verified. The results show that the MAET method for conductivity reconstruction of complex structural models proposed in this paper is conducive to improving the image resolution as well as the structural similarity, enhancing the conductivity distribution information of complex structural targets with inhomogeneous shapes and multi-gradient conductivity distributions.
Magneto-Acousto-Electrical Tomography Method for Conductivity Reconstruction of Complex Structural Models
Vol. 130, 103-110, 2024
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Implications of Model Complexity in Numerical Studies of Microwave Skin Spectroscopy
Shangyang Shang and Milica Popović
Early detection is critical for effective skin cancer treatment. Micro-/millimeter-wave spectroscopy has emerged as a promising non-invasive and cost-effective detection technique. Tissue models are essential in early numerical studies, which typically represent the first step in detector's feasibility assessment. This paper focuses on quantifying implications of numerical model complexity on computational studies of skin spectroscopy. In our comparative numerical studies, we constructed one finger model that follows anatomical structures, as well as its three simplified versions, subjected to simulated measurements with a slim dielectric probe in the 0.5-50 GHz range. Using the finite-element method (FEM) for simulation, we analyzed mesh count to estimate computational cost and return loss variation to assess model reliability. As a result, we reach recommendations for models that optimize computational resources and can yield meaningful information from the standpoint of skin cancer screening. Simplified models are adequate for lower microwave frequencies (< 10 GHz), but at higher frequencies, models with at least three tissue layers (skin, fat, and ligament) are necessary. Modeling smaller tumors requires greater tissue complexity than larger tumors to achieve comparable reliability. Additionally, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) scenarios demand higher model complexity than basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and melanoma to achieve similar reliability.
Implications of Model Complexity in Numerical Studies of Microwave Skin Spectroscopy
Vol. 130, 95-102, 2024
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Performance Analysis of Complementary Split Ring Resonator with Improved Four Element Antenna for X Band Wireless Applications
Janani Sasikumar and Venkat Koushick
A very compact MIMO antenna for broad-band applications which covers the complete spectrum of X-band applications is represented here. The proposed element in the represented antenna covers a total volume of around 320 mm3. The isolation among radiating elements is improved by placing individual elements orthogonally thereby improving isolation better than 20 dB. This enhanced isolation helps to provide substantial MIMO parameters including ECC, TARC, channel capacity loss, and multiplexing efficiency. The devised antenna is compact (0.066λ × 0.066λ × 0.0024λ mm3) printed over an FR4 substrate which is widely available concerning 6.2 GHz to 11.2 GHz wireless applications. Fabrication of the above-mentioned proposed antenna is done and all the desired calculations are made desirably. Furthermore, the practically measured results conclude that the antenna-measured patterns well correspond to the simulated results.
Performance Analysis of Complementary Split Ring Resonator with Improved Four Element Antenna for X Band Wireless Applications
Vol. 130, 83-94, 2024
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Toward Reconfigurable Two-Bit Microwave Chiral Rasorbers
Yubo Wang, Xinyu Jiang, Pankaj K. Choudhury and Yungui Ma
Reconfigurability is a crucial capability for electromagnetic devices to achieve high flexibility in accommodating various scenarios. In this study, we present a reconfigurable microwave rasorber with dynamically tunable helicity polarization for the passband wave using a compound unit cell composed of two-bit chiral meta-atoms. Our specific samples demonstrate low reflectivity (< –10 dB) across the entire C-band, while also offering four distinct states (two-bit) for the passband (reflection/transmission) wave in a narrow window around 6.25 GHz, including circular polarization control or complete blockage. We experimentally demonstrated the switching capability for both chirality and intensity of the passing band wave. These results are significant in expanding the application scenarios of rasorbers with more versatile polarization controllability.
Toward Reconfigurable Two-bit Microwave Chiral Rasorbers
Vol. 130, 71-82, 2024
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Compact Model for EMC Analysis at Equipment Level in Automotive Context
Paul Clérico, Lionel Pichon, Jeffrey Lambert, Naraindranath Doorgah and Laurent Daniel
In this paper, a reconstruction methodology for the field emitted by an electronic equipment in a CISPR 25 standard environment is developed. It is based on an inverse method to determine equivalent dipoles representative of the electromagnetic sources. Positions and dipolar moments of equivalent dipoles are obtained via a hybrid optimization method, using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) followed by a Pattern Search (PS) method. First, the validity of the approach is verified with a numerical 3D model of a microstrip line. Then, an experimental protocol, corresponding to the setup of the CISPR 25 standard, is proposed and validated with a monopole antenna as a radiating source. As expected, the measurements obtained with the rod antenna yield some numerical errors related to the equivalent dipoles. However, such a compact model predicts the radiated field with sufficient accuracy to be useful for analyzing several EMC constraints in an automotive context.
Compact Model for EMC Analysis at Equipment Level in Automotive Context
Vol. 130, 63-70, 2024
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The 6G Reconfigurable Reflectarray Antenna Using a Gold-VO_2 Bilayer Structure
Suhail Asghar Qureshi, Muhammad Ramlee Kamarudin, Muhammad Inam Abbasi, Yoshihide Yamada, Muhammad Hashim Dahri, Zuhairiah Zainal Abidin and Nordin Ramli
A reconfigurable reflectarray antenna (RRA) is proposed with beam steering capability at 1.1 THz. The element of reflectarray is composed of vanadium dioxide (VO-2) and a gold bilayer model designed on a unit cell of 0.45λ, in which temperature variations produce different reflection phases due to the dependence of VO-2 on ambient conditions. The proposed reflectarray antenna has an aperture of 3100 μm and when particular cells of the array are exposed to temperature over 340K, it causes the phase in those unit cells to alter, eventually acting as 1-bit RRA. The radiation pattern shows a maximum gain of 24.3 dBi and a sidelobe level of -14.4 dB with an aperture efficiency of 21.7%. The maximum gain in case of offset is over 21 dBi with side lobe levels less than -10 dB up to 80-degree beam steering range. The proposed reconfigurable reflectarray antenna shows a beam steering capability of up to 100 degrees, which is sufficient for indoor communications. The designed antenna with its performance is optimum for the development of 6G RIS-based communication systems.
The 6G Reconfigurable Reflectarray Antenna Using a Gold-VO_2 Bilayer Structure
Vol. 130, 49-61, 2024
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An Intelligent Algorithm Based on the Improved CNN-LSTM for the Detection of Concrete Reinforcement Information
Xuefeng Bai, Ronghua Zhang, Jinxun Le, Boyang Li, Wenying Fu, Shuqing Jia and Wuliang Yin
Reinforced concrete plays a vital role in the construction industry. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the parameters such as the number, diameter and protective layer thickness of rebar in concrete during and after the construction process. In this paper, we take the pulsed eddy current detection method as the principle, build the relevant experimental system, collect the data samples about the parameter information of the rebar, and propose an intelligent algorithm based on Convolutional Neural Network with Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) based on Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM), which is capable of automatically extracting the relevant features of information-rich PECT signals, and the CBAM is introduced into CNN to enhance its feature extraction capability, which improves the accuracy and interpretability of CBAM-CNN-LSTM in predicting rebar information. In order to verify the performance of the method, traditional CNN, LSTM, and CNN-LSTM algorithms were used for comparison, and the prediction results were evaluated by decision coefficient (R2), Explained Variance Score (EVS), Root Mean Square (RMSE), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The experimental results show that the method is able to accurately predict the specimen information with good prediction accuracy and stability as the average error of the prediction of the number is reduced by 50% and the average error of diameter and thickness prediction reduced by 20% and 3% after adding the CBAM.
An Intelligent Algorithm Based on the Improved CNN-LSTM for the Detection of Concrete Reinforcement Information
Vol. 130, 37-48, 2024
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Design of Multiband Metasurface Radome for Leading Wing Edge of Aircraft
Kanathil Meethal Arya, Akshay Manish Aserkar, Shailesh Ashok Patil, Raveendranath Nair and Shiv Narayan
A novel metamaterial-element based frequency selective surface (FSS) is proposed in this paper for multiband radome for airborne application, which exhibits angular stability and polarization independence up to incidence angle, 60˚. The proposed metasurface radome consists of a combination of different patch-type elements in two cascaded layers, forming an electrically thin design suitable for aerospace applications. It operates in the frequency bands, S- (3.3 GHz), C- (4.8 GHz) and X- (9.1 GHz) with high transmission efficiency and good isolation between bands (< -20 dB). An equivalent circuit model of the proposed design is derived and validated with the simulated (based on HFSS) and measured results. Further, a multilayered radome wall configuration is designed using proposed metamaterial-element based FSS that exhibits transmission bandwidths, 220 MHz, 1 GHz, and 1.3 GHz corresponding to S-, C-, and X-bands, respectively w.r.t. -1 dB insertion loss. The structural analysis of multilayered radome wall configuration confirms its suitability for shared aperture antenna integrated to leading wing structure of aircraft.
Design of Multiband Metasurface Radome for Leading Wing Edge of Aircraft
Vol. 130, 29-36, 2024
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A 2-Port High Isolation Millimeter Wave Dual-Band Antenna Based on SIW Back-Cavity Slot
Mingming Gao, Chang Ge, Jingchang Nan, Chunli Liu, Hongliang Niu and Hang Yuan
To enhance the transmission rate and bandwidth utilization of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communication systems, a dual-band MIMO antenna for millimeter waves is proposed, which is based on a substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) and fed by a 50 Ω microstrip line. To achieve the dual-band performance, it employs a modified dual P-shaped slot instead of the conventional single P-shaped slot. The modified slot antenna generates dual-frequency radiation by exciting the primary and mixed modes in the circular resonant cavity. To improve the channel capacity of the system, the antenna is formed into a 2-element antenna, and the isolation of the antenna is improved by pattern diversity and defected ground structure (DGS). The antenna's dimension is 20 x 18.9 x 0.508 mm3. Measured results show that the impedance bandwidth of the antenna is about 26.7 GHz-27.9 GHz and 37.95 GHz-40.92 GHz with peak gain of 5.63 dBi and 6.35 dBi, respectively. In addition, the isolation degree is greater than 30 dB, the envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) less than 0.0002, and the diversity gain (DG) greater than 9.995. The antenna shows the advantages of low profile, dual-frequency radiation, and high isolation characteristics, which are well suited for millimeter-wave wireless communication systems.
A 2-port High Isolation Millimeter Wave Dual-band Antenna Based on SIW Back-cavity Slot
Vol. 130, 19-27, 2024
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Designing Fabric-Based Broadband Metamaterial Absorbers for Radar Operating Frequency Bands
Baojun Chen, Hao Yuan, Yanjie Ju, Yanbing Xue, Tianyu Jiao, Qinghua Liu and Mengqiu Qian
With the increasing use of radar technology across various fields, electromagnetic pollution has become a growing concern, posing significant risks to human health. Consequently, there is a rising interest in developing wearable, flexible fabric-based absorbers that can efficiently absorb electromagnetic waves. However, the low dielectric constant of fabrics makes it challenging to achieve high absorption rates and broad bandwidth at low frequencies. To address this issue, in this study, we introduce a fabric-based broadband metamaterial absorber using felt as the dielectric substrate. The absorber features a centrosymmetric square block array design, incorporating a PU conductive film as the surface resonant material. By fine-tuning the parameters of each component in the absorber's equivalent circuit and optimizing structural parameters, the absorber achieves an extended bandwidth from 3.92 to 15.25 GHz, with a relative absorption bandwidth of 118.21%. Impressively, in the lower frequency C-band, the absorber maintains an efficiency of over 95%. The absorber was fabricated using the ``cut-transfer-paste patterning method.'' Testing results demonstrate that it is insensitive to incident angle and polarization and retains excellent absorption performance even when being bent.
Designing Fabric-based Broadband Metamaterial Absorbers for Radar Operating Frequency Bands
Vol. 130, 11-17, 2024
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Compact 8-Port MIMO Antenna for Hot-Spot Applications Based on Embedded Double-Negative Metamaterial Split Ring Resonators
José Alfredo Tirado-Méndez, Arturo Rangel-Merino and Luis Alberto Vasquez-Toledo
This article proposes an 8-port MIMO antenna based on double-negative metamaterial Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) for three-dimensional (3D) non-planar applications, such as hotspots. The antenna features eight radiators arranged orthogonally to each other, placed in two perpendicular planes, operating at 3.5 GHz. Each resonator incorporates six embedded SRRs to enhance the metamaterial behavior, achieving a 40% size reduction compared to a conventional disc monopole at the same frequency. Simulated and measured results demonstrate excellent performance for MIMO applications, with Envelope Correlation Coefficient (ECC) values below 0.001 and Diversity Gain (DG) around 20 dB. The Total Active Reflection Coefficient (TARC) bandwidth is approximately 930 MHz at the -10 dB threshold. The S-parameters indicate excellent electromagnetic isolation between radiators exceeding 20 dB, and a very low cross-polarization level below -30 dB. However, the main limitation of this design is a reduction in gain, an expected result.
Compact 8-port MIMO Antenna for Hot-spot Applications Based on Embedded Double-negative Metamaterial Split Ring Resonators
Vol. 130, 1-10, 2024
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A Multi-Channel Error Compensation Method for Space-Borne RDBF-SAR
Lu Bai, Wei Xu, Pingping Huang, Weixian Tan and Yaolong Qi
The time-varying amplitude error and phase error in the multi-channel will affect the system performance of Range Digital Beam Forming-Synthetic Aperture Radar (RDBF-SAR), which will lead to the elevation of the side lobes amplitude of the echo signal, thus affecting the quality of space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. A multi-channel error compensation method for space-borne RDBF-SAR is proposed in this paper. The echo signals of each channel are aligned in the frequency domain. For the amplitude error, the amplitude error compensation factor is obtained by comparing the amplitude of each channel signal with the amplitude of the reference channel signal. For the phase error, the phase error compensation factor is obtained by conjugate multiplication of the phase of each channel signal and the phase of the reference channel signal. Reduce the amount of calculation by averaging. This method can well compensate the amplitude error and phase error, suppress the elevation of the echo side lobe, and make the synthetic aperture radar image more focused and accurate. Finally, the effectiveness of the method is verified by simulation experiments. Under the simulation conditions in this paper, the amplitude compensation reduces the side lobes pulse compression amplitude by 2~10 dB, and the phase compensation reduces it by -1~9 dB.
A Multi-channel Error Compensation Method for Space-borne RDBF-SAR