Vol. 17
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GPU Approach for Hertzian Potential Formulation Tool Oriented on Electromagnetic Nanodevices
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 17, 135-150, 2011
The time domain modeling and simulation of electromagnetic (EM) waves interaction with nanodevices, at high spatial and time resolution, requires high computational power. For the first time, in this paper we present an effective implementation of the Hertzian Potential Formulation (HPF) on the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), through the NVIDIA's CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) programming model. It accelerates the nanodevice EM simulations at nanometer scale harnessing the massive parallelism of the GPU based systems. This study is useful for similar electromagnetic codes including the Finite Difference approaches. The results demonstrate that this GPU tool outperforms the CPU based HPF implementation, reaching a speedup from 30× to 70×.
Daniele Tartarini, and Alessandro Massaro, "GPU Approach for Hertzian Potential Formulation Tool Oriented on Electromagnetic Nanodevices," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 17, 135-150, 2011.

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