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Collision of Nonlinear Envelope Pulses Developed in Composite Right- and Left-Handed Transmission Lines Periodically Loaded with Schottky Varactors
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 21, 1-12, 2011
We investigate numerically the collision of nonlinear envelope pulses in composite right- and left-handed transmission lines with regularly spaced Schottky varactors. Because of the nonlinearity caused by the Schottky varactors, the dispersive distortion of envelope pulses is well compensated. We find that when two nonlinear envelope pulses traveling in the opposite directions collide, two envelope pulses are newly developed. The carrier wave frequency of the newly developed pulse is the harmonic of the colliding pulses that satisfies the phase-matching condition.
Koichi Narahara, "Collision of Nonlinear Envelope Pulses Developed in Composite Right- and Left-Handed Transmission Lines Periodically Loaded with Schottky Varactors," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 21, 1-12, 2011.

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