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Fast Computation of Dipole Radiation in Stratified Background Using Graphics Processing Unit
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 20, 115-126, 2011
We present the GPUs computation acceleration for a very recurrent electromagnetic problem which is the calculation of the field radiated by electric dipoles in a multilayer structure (Green's tensor in stratified background), based on the well-known Sommerfeld integrals. Using an optimized parallelization scheme, huge computation acceleration is obtained. Applications of such a work are very broad, especially for the modeling of stratified light emitting devices, or as a building block for the calculation of optical scattering by complex shape structures, when using methods as discrete dipole approximation (DDA) or method of moments (MoM) for example.
M. Quinto, Salim Boutami, and J. Hazart, "Fast Computation of Dipole Radiation in Stratified Background Using Graphics Processing Unit," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 20, 115-126, 2011.

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