Vol. 32
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Quasi-Optical Frequency Selective Surface for Atmospheric Remote Sensing Application
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 32, 115-127, 2013
The design of an efficient quasi-optics Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) filter which is required to provide a -3 dB pass band from 405 GHz to 441 GHz is presented. For atmospheric remote sensing application, this space-borne spatial device consists of a silicon layer and a thin copper layer which is perforated with periodic arrays of resonant dipole slots and circular apertures. FSS unit cell has a dimension much smaller than its operating wavelength. Unique features of this complex dense FSS structure include wide pass band properties with superb performance of frequency response and incident angles independence for TE polarization. Floquet mode analysis and finite element method (FEM) models are used to establish the geometry of the periodic structure and predict its spectral response.
Bu Gang Xia, De Hai Zhang, Jian Huang, and Jin Meng, "Quasi-Optical Frequency Selective Surface for Atmospheric Remote Sensing Application," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 32, 115-127, 2013.

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