Vol. 43
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Design and Characterization of an Efficient Dual Patch Rectenna for Microwave Energy Recycling in the ISM Band
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 43, 93-108, 2013
This paper describes the design, modeling and optimization of an efficient ISM band dual patch rectenna capable of achieving more than 80% RF-to-DC conversion efficiency at low/medium power densities. The circuit is based on a full-wave rectifier, designed and optimized at 2.45 GHz with ADS software and the FDTD algorithm. The performances of the rectenna have been accurately predicted using the full-wave 3D-FDTD method extended to lumped linear and non-linear elements. It exhibits 73% (<VDC = 1.1 V for RL= 1.2 kΩ) measured efficiency at a low power density of 14 μW/cm2 and 84% (VDC = 1.94 V) at 43 μW/cm2. The differences between the experimental and FDTD simulated efficiencies are less than 3%. The proposed circuit is particularly suitable for low/medium power recycling and power remote supply of wireless sensors, sensor nodes and actuators.
Hakim Takhedmit, Laurent Cirio, Odile Picon, Christian Vollaire, Bruno Allard, and Francois Costa, "Design and Characterization of an Efficient Dual Patch Rectenna for Microwave Energy Recycling in the ISM Band," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 43, 93-108, 2013.

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