Vol. 62
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Printed Compact Lens Antenna for UHF Band Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 62, 11-22, 2016
A new microwave lens antenna suitable for ultra-high frequency (UHF: 300 MHz-3 GHz) band applications is proposed. An improved bow-tie antenna and a planar metamaterial lens design is presented. 5 dB improvement in boresight gain and a directive radiation pattern is achieved with the lens. The application of the designed antenna is demonstrated in a ground penetrating radar (GPR) experiment. The size of the antenna is very compact compared to other antennas found in the literature used for similar applications.
Koyadan Koroth Ajith, and Amitabha Bhattacharya, "Printed Compact Lens Antenna for UHF Band Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 62, 11-22, 2016.

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