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Exploring Carbon Nanotubes/BaTiO3 /Fe3O4 Nanocomposites as Microwave Absorbers
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 66, 77-85, 2016
We report the modelling and characterization of microwave absorbing materials specially designed for 26-37 GHz frequency range (Ka-band). Composite materials based on carbon nanotubes/BaTiO3/Fe3O4 in a phosphate ceramic matrix were produced, and their electromagnetic response was investigated. Both theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that this material can absorb up to 100% of the power of an incident plane wave at a normal incidence angle. The physics underlying such absorption level is discussed in terms of refractive index of the material.
Dzmitry Bychanok, Gleb Gorokhov, Darya Meisak, Artyom Plyushch, Polina Kuzhir, Alexey Sokal, Konstantin Lapko, Angela Sanchez-Sanchez, Vanessa Fierro, Alain Celzard, Cameron Gallagher, Alastair P. Hibbins, Feodor Y. Ogrin, and Christian Brosseau, "Exploring Carbon Nanotubes/BaTiO3 /Fe3O4 Nanocomposites as Microwave Absorbers," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 66, 77-85, 2016.

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