Vol. 60
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Improved Bucking Coil Design in Helicopter Transient Electromagnetic System
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 60, 131-139, 2017
The presence of the primary field in the helicopter transient electromagnetic system makes the dynamic range of the response signal so large that it is difficult to observe the secondary field. Therefore, a bucking coil is usually introduced to eliminate the primary field. However, in a traditional design, the size of the bucking coil increases with the size of the system, which makes the bucking coil hard to install, and opposite magnetic moment is large in huge systems. In this paper, a new bucking coil design for a helicopter transient electromagnetic system is proposed. Compared with the traditional design, the bucking coil diameter, total weight and total magnetic moment in two designs are calculated. The results show that the bucking coil we designed is more than 8 times smaller and 5 times lighter than that in the traditional design, which is easier for installation. The bucking moment impact is reduced to 0.03% of the total magnetic moment when the diameter of the transmitting coil increases to 35m, which improves the efficiency of the system. Then we analyze the requirement of manufactory precision and installation accuracy for the bucking coil in our design to get the best bucking result.
Pan Xiao, Zongyang Shi, Xin Wu, and Guangyou Fang, "Improved Bucking Coil Design in Helicopter Transient Electromagnetic System," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 60, 131-139, 2017.

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