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Flexible UWB AMC Antenna for Early Stage Skin Cancer Identification
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 80, 71-81, 2019
This work involves designing an antenna that meets the requirements of radar systems. The associated technology, which was for a long time reserved for the military field, is now available in the civil field, as well as in the biomedical sector for the development of ``monitoring'' systems allowing to monitor the state of health of a patient in a non-invasive way. The goal of this article is to design a wearable textile antenna to detect cancerous tumors of a patient without direct contact with the skin, taking into account the electromagnetic waves directed towards the human body due to the difference between the dielectric constants of healthy and unhealthy tissues. Here we present a miniature AMC antenna of rectangular shape that satisfies the UWB characteristics in terms of bandwidth and reflection coefficient. The proposed AMC antenna operates in X-frequency band, (8-12 GHz). Using a model of dielectric artificial skin, we have simulated the specific absorption rate on the human body in order to better respect the FCC standards allowed 1.6 W/kg averaged to 1g of human tissue.
Ameni Mersani, Lotfi Osman, and Jean-Marc Ribero, "Flexible UWB AMC Antenna for Early Stage Skin Cancer Identification," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 80, 71-81, 2019.

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