Vol. 82
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Defect Mode Tuning in Two-Dimensional Band-Gap Wire Structure in the Millimeter Waveband
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 82, 167-173, 2019
A two-dimensional (2D) band-gap wire structure with a spatial defect has been fabricated and studied in order to demonstrate which way the violation of periodicity affects its spectral properties. We experimentally demonstrate and numerically verify the occurrence of defect modes revealed as localized resonant peak inside the band gap transmission spectrum of 2D band-gap wire structure. We also demonstrate the efficient frequency tunability of these defect mode peaks by varying defect size in the frequency range 22-40 GHz. The visualization and analysis of spatial electromagnetic (EM) field distribution within the defect of 2D band-gap wire structure is performed both experimentally and numerically. A good agreement between the experiment and numerical simulation is demonstrated.
Liubov Ivzhenko, Eugene Odarenko, Daria I. Yudina, and Sergey I. Tarapov, "Defect Mode Tuning in Two-Dimensional Band-Gap Wire Structure in the Millimeter Waveband," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 82, 167-173, 2019.

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