Vol. 89
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Non-Reciprocal Antenna Array Based on Magnetized Graphene for THz Applications Using the Iterative Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 89, 93-100, 2020
An effective and precise approach to the Wave Concept Iterative Process method modeling of magnetized graphene sheet as an anisotropic conductive surface is used to analyze the anisotropy of magnetostatically biased graphene and for studying an electrically doped magnetically biased graphene non-reciprocal antenna array for THz applications. The tuning of the performance of the array antenna is possible by varying the magnetic field and the chemical potential of graphene material. The return loss value decreases by increasing the magnetostatic bias and increases when the chemical potential increases.
Aymen Hlali, Zied Houaneb, and Hassen Zairi, "Non-Reciprocal Antenna Array Based on Magnetized Graphene for THz Applications Using the Iterative Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 89, 93-100, 2020.

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