Vol. 103
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Meta-Heuristic Multi-Objective as an Affordable Method for Improving the Grating Lobe in a Wide Scan Phased Array Antenna
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 103, 155-166, 2020
In electronic beam scanning, the number of phase shifters is an obvious challenge. So, there are several methods to reduce the number of phase shifters. The aim of this paper is to investigate the use of the meta-heuristic algorithm to lower the grating lobe level in the subarray antenna. Improve the result obtained by group subarray optimization techniques to determine topology and space between elements, and complex optimization of weight, simultaneously. Uniform subarray and random subarray are analyzed in Matlab to determine the coefficient of excitation by the evolutionary algorithm, as well as swarm and hybrid. The results of the simulation are shown; this method leads to radiation pattern without grating lobe in wide scanning angle. It indicates that there is a possibility of obtaining wide electronic scanning with minimum number of phase shifters and improving result.
Maryam Shadi, and Zahra Atlasbaf, "Meta-Heuristic Multi-Objective as an Affordable Method for Improving the Grating Lobe in a Wide Scan Phased Array Antenna," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 103, 155-166, 2020.

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