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Generalized Kronecker Array Transform
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 105, 173-181, 2021
Fast evaluation of the array response matrix and its vector or matrix products play a central role in several applied electromagnetics and array processing applications. In this context, the Kronecker Array Transform (KAT) has been introduced by Ribeiro and Nascimento as an efficient factorization technique that can be applied when the elements of a planar array and the wavevectors exhibit separability. The computational savings leverage on the decomposition of the full array response matrix in the Kronecker product of two smaller array response matrices. In this contribution we extend and apply the generalized Kronecker product introduced by Fino and Algazi to the array response matrix decomposition problem. The resulting Generalized Kronecker Array Transform (GKAT) broadens the class of problems that can be addressed while achieving the same computational savings. The complexity of GKAT is compared with Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transform (NUFFT), and optimal integration of the two techniques is elaborated.
Piero Angeletti, "Generalized Kronecker Array Transform," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 105, 173-181, 2021.

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