Vol. 105
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Compensation Effect in the Conductive Auroral Regions of the Terrestrial Atmosphere
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 105, 119-129, 2021
Oblique incidence of small-amplitude electromagnetic wave on an anisotropic conductive collision semi-infinite turbulent plasma slab under the influence of a homogeneous magnetic field is considered. The conditions of both the ordinary and extraordinary waves' propagation along and transversal directions with respect to the external magnetic field in a homogeneous absorbing collisional magnetoplasma are obtained. Second order statistical moments of the spatial power spectrum of a scattered radiation in the polar ionosphere are calculated for the arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations using the geometrical optics approximation. External magnetic field, oblique incidence of electromagnetic wave on a plasma slab, anisotropy of both ionospheric conductivity and dielectric permittivity, also elongated plasma irregularities in the auroral region of the terrestrial atmosphere are taken into account. The direction along which these asymmetric factors compensate each other is established. The conditions of the "Compensation Effect" are obtained: the spatial power spectrum not broadens, and its maximum is not displaced. Second order statistical moments of a scattered radiation: the shift of maximum and the broadening of the spatial power spectrum in the main and perpendicular planes are investigated analytically and numerically for the power law spectrum of the anisotropic ionospheric plasmonic structures using the experimental data.
George Jandieri, Akira Ishimaru, and Nino F. Mchedlishvili, "Compensation Effect in the Conductive Auroral Regions of the Terrestrial Atmosphere," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 105, 119-129, 2021.

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