Vol. 17
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Optical Absorption Enhancement in Solar Cells via 3D Photonic Crystal Structures
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 17, 1-11, 2011
Light concentrating structures with three-dimensional photonic crystals (3D PhCs) for solar cell applications are investigated via simulation. The 3D opal PhCs are suggested as an intermediate layer in the concentrator system for solar cells. It is found that the light absorption is significantly enhanced due to the adding of diffractive effects of PhCs to the concentrator. Three types of PhCs are considered in four scenarios to verify the absorption enhancement by such a light concentrating structure. Our calculations show that the face-centered cubic PhC can create an absorbing efficiency superior to the others under a specified lattice orientation pointing to the sun, which results in an enhancement factor of 1.56 in absorption for the 500--1100 nm spectral range.
Jiun-Yeu Chen, Eric Li, and Lien-Wen Chen, "Optical Absorption Enhancement in Solar Cells via 3D Photonic Crystal Structures," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 17, 1-11, 2011.

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