Vol. 18
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A Hybrid Higher Order FDTD Scheme for Modeling Radar Cross Section of Electrically Large Targets
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 18, 143-157, 2011
This paper proposes a hybrid higher order finite difference time domain (FDTD) scheme that combines the classical FDTD scheme and the higher order FDTD scheme with second order accuracy in time and fourth order accuracy in space for analyzing the three-dimensional electrically large scattering problems. The classical FDTD stencils were used as buffers in the scattered field region to make the higher order FDTD stencils not intrude inside the absorbing boundary condition's regions. The superior performance of the hybrid higher order FDTD scheme has been compared with the classical FDTD one. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed scheme would improve the accuracy and save the computer resources significantly compared to the classical FDTD scheme involved in the radar cross section (RCS) calculation. The obtained computational efficiency allows this proposed scheme to model the RCS of electrically large targets using the number of higher order FDTD cells which are much less than that of the classical FDTD cells required by three-dimensional FDTD scheme.
Xia Ai, Yiping Han, Zhuyang Chen, and Xiao-Wei Shi, "A Hybrid Higher Order FDTD Scheme for Modeling Radar Cross Section of Electrically Large Targets," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 18, 143-157, 2011.

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