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A Semi-Analytical Method to Calculate the Entries of the Method of Moments Matrix for the Mixed Potential Integral Equation of a Source Reconstruction Problem
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 41, 149-158, 2015
In this article, the mixed potential integral equation is discretized using the Rao-Wilton-Glisson basis functions in order to obtain a method of moments matrix equation for a source reconstruction problem. The weighting functions used in the setup of the moments equation are Dirac delta functions. The entries of the moments matrix are computed using a semi-analytical method which is applicable to any method of moments problem with point matching. The analytical calculation is made possible by employing a differentiation property of the scalar Green function and the properties of the mesh elements of the source plane. The semi-analytical method makes it easier to increase the accuracy of the moments matrix elements. The accuracy of the method is shown by comparing the results obtained using the semi-analytical method to those obtained by a fully numerical procedure.
Saffet Sen, "A Semi-Analytical Method to Calculate the Entries of the Method of Moments Matrix for the Mixed Potential Integral Equation of a Source Reconstruction Problem," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 41, 149-158, 2015.

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