Vol. 80
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Energy-Efficient Coding Matrix FMD-RDA Secure Transmission Scheme Based on Quadrature Spatial Modulation for mmWave Systems
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 80, 133-143, 2019
Artificial noise (AN) aided method in mmWave is hard to realize due to large transmit antennas and also requires additional power. This paper proposes coding matrix secure transmission based on quadrature spatial modulation (QSM) utilizing a frequency modulated diverse retrospective array (FMD-RDA). Specifically, we adopt coding matrix for frequency increment with QSM symbols to form part of FMD-RDA angular-range array factor. Consequently, low probability of detection (LPD) is created during the QSM transmission without additional power. The desired receiver should know the particular coding matrix a priori. Importantly, the system has automatic user tracking ability with no channel state information (CSI) needed at the desired receiver and can handle receivers with highly correlated channels. Further, secrecy outage probability (SOP), asymptotic lower bound on eavesdropper's (Eve's) detecting error probability and average data leakage rate are analyzed without Eve's CSI. Simulation results show that increasing the coding matrix, satisfactory secrecy is attained for the proposed scheme. Moreover, through the results certain essential secrecy information has been highlighted that is not captured by the classical SOP making the proposed scheme an attractive technique for QSM applications.
Shaddrack Yaw Nusenu, and Abdul Basit, "Energy-Efficient Coding Matrix FMD-RDA Secure Transmission Scheme Based on Quadrature Spatial Modulation for mmWave Systems," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 80, 133-143, 2019.

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