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Tuning Electromagnetically Induced Transparency of Superconducting Metamaterial Analyzed with Equivalent Circuit Approach
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 91, 29-37, 2020
We analyzed the effect of loss and coupling to EIT metamaterials using circuit approach, giving the effect of two parameters: coupling and loss on the resonant property of the EIT metamaterials. To verify the results of the circuit analysis, simulations and experiments were performed. The structures were fabricated with superconducting NbN and varied temperature to verify the effect of loss. The distances were adjusted to observe the effect of the coupling strength. The results of simulations and experiments were consistent with the circuit analysis.
Yonggang Zhang, Chun Li, and Xuecou Tu, "Tuning Electromagnetically Induced Transparency of Superconducting Metamaterial Analyzed with Equivalent Circuit Approach," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 91, 29-37, 2020.

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